What can a Boarmumps student expect?
Boarmumps provides a strong education in a safe and welcoming environment for any speller
looking to find out more about themselves and the world we all share.
Spelling Classes
Every student is given an official Boarmumps pencil, which they use to master a wide variety of spells while learning about their historical importance and how to use them safely.
Cottage Camaraderie
Our five cottages promote socialization and support, as students celebrate each other's victories and help each other turn failures into opportunities to improve.
Trips to Boarsglenn
The nearby shops in the cozy village of Boarsglenn provide an ideal outing when students tire of the Boarmumps Grand Gallery and their lessons.
What does a normal day at Boarmumps look like?

The Five Cottages
Every student that passes through the Boarmumps gates is shuffled into one of the five cottages.
While we believe any student would thrive in any of the Boarmumps cottages, the wise and venerated Shuffling Pants has provided guidance for which cottage each new student belongs in.